Math 4378/6309, Advanced Linear Algebra II, 11:30am - 1 pm, Tuesday, Thursday, F 154.
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According to the UH Final Exam schedule, the Final Exam for this class will be Tuesday, May 10, 11 am - 2 pm, in F 154 (the usual classroom).

The average for the Midterm Exam is 56.41; the standard deviation is 17.08. The resulting curve, based on normalized scores, is:

74 - 100 A

57 - 60 B- 40 - 43 D+
70 - 73 A- 52 - 56 C+ 35 - 39 D
65 - 69 B+ 48 - 51 C 31 - 34 D-
61 - 64 B 44 - 47 C- 0 - 30 F

Here are some notes on complex arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Also check out the Wikipedia page on Euler's formula and its proof (the proof is simpler than the beginning of the article).

Textbook: "Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra," by Carl D. Meyer, published by SIAM, ISBN 978-0-898714-54-8. This is a change from the textbook used last year (Friedberg, Insel, Spence).

Homework assignments are listed here.

The syllabus for the course is under construction. I plan to cover sectons 4.5-4.9. of the text and chapters 5-7.

Prerequisites: Math 4377.

Online video lectures are available here. I really like these lectures. However, they don't correspond well to our textbook.

There will be two hour exams during the semester.

Grading. For each exam, and for the semester totals of homework grades and of quiz grades, I will compute an average μ and standard deviation σ. If X is your score on exam one, and the average and standard deviation for exam one are μ1 and σ1, then your normalized score for exam one is:

z1 = (X-μ1)/σ1.

Your grade will be determined by a weighted average of normalized scores:

Grade = 0.20*(z1 + z2) + 0.40*zFinal + 0.20*zHomework Total.

This means that each hour exam counts 20%, the Final exam counts 40%, and the Homework Total counts 20%

The numerical result of this calculation will determine your grade as follows:

z › 1.0 .75 ‹ z ‹ 1.25 .5 ‹ z ‹ .75 .25 ‹ z ‹ .5
A A- B+ B
0 ‹ z ‹ .25 -.25 ‹ z ‹ 0 -.5 ‹ z ‹ -.25 -.75 ‹ z ‹ -.5
B- C+ C C-
-1 ‹ z ‹ -.75 -1.25 ‹ z ‹ -1 -1.5 ‹ z ‹ -1.25 ‹ -1.5
D+ D D- F

If your Final Exam normalized score is higher than your lowest hour exam normalized score, then I will replace the lowest hour exam normalized score with the normalized final exam score.