Program Description
MENTOR is a program designed to help undergraduate students build the
skills necessary to conduct an undergraduate research project. It has
three components:
Upon successful completion of the Fall–Spring components
above, the students will receive a MENTOR certificate, and a certificate
in research following the summer REU. In addition, they are invited
and sponsored to participate in an undergraduate conference.
MENTOR meetings involve problem solving sessions as well as professional
development workshops designed to help students develop skills useful for
research. The undergraduate colloquium features speakers discussing
different aspects of mathematics/scientific research and careers.
If you are an undergraduate math student interested in participating in a
research project, MENTOR can help prepare you for such a project. If you
are an undergraduate student already doing a research project, MENTOR can
be done in parallel with your project to help you develop skills and
supplement the research experience.
The orientation meeting is 1-3 pm Aug.
26, in PGH 646, see the Schedule
for the slides.
See the How to Apply link for how to
enroll in the MENTOR activities (the deadline is Monday, Aug. 29, 2016).
More details are below.
certificate describing your participation, whether you complete a
summer REU or not
between 3 and 5 students will be offered financial support for a summer REU
the summer REU participants will also take part in the SURF
activities, including the weekly Brown Bag lectures
even if you do not participate in a summer REU, you can continue the
program next year to continue improving your research skills
"mathematics is everywhere", only have to discover how it can be used
the goal of the program is to give a general perspective about doing
research, which often means attacking a difficult (or not well defined)
possible recommendation for a mid-career admission to the Honors
Research methods
This year-long class, with no credits offered, aims at introducing the
participants to the research attitude necessary when facing nonstandard
scientific questions. During the year, the students will meet with a MENTOR
faculty for two hours every week. Through well-chosen scientific exercises
and problems, the students can learn essential research habits such as: the
importance of clearly understanding the hypothesis and the question,
finding equivalent reformulations of the hypothesis and question,
considering relevant particular examples, changing perspective when stuck,
considering additional relevant assumptions which might help in an initial
effort to answer the question, suitable use of numerical support to guide
one's intuition, research of the relevant literature.
The first semester is organized as a problem solving seminar where the
students meet with one of the faculty and work on a set of problems. The
meeting is focused on open discussions and interactivity so that the
students get to experience and practice in the class all the above research
attitude attributes. The second semester consists of lectures and
discussions about various possible research topics as well as lectures on
how to write/read mathematics papers and how to prepare a mathematical
presentation. The lectures will be delivered by the MENTOR faculty as well
as other UH faculty guests speakers. The interested students will be thus
exposed to an array of possible research tools and possible projects.
Undergraduate colloquium
This series of lectures promotes various areas of STEM related scientific
research relevant for the undergraduate community through a series of
general talks presented in an informal manner. The students have also the
opportunity to learn more about the subject presented and about the various
research extensions during the one hour question and answers (Q&A) post
lecture session with the speaker. The talks will be delivered by
enthusiastic and experienced scientists, local faculty or visitors.
Past and upcoming colloquiums are posted on the
colloquium web-page.
Summer REU
For the summer the students are encouraged to work on a STEM research
project of their choice supervised by a faculty. The students can choose
one of the MENTOR faculty as advisors or may decide to work with another UH
colleague, in the mathematics department or not. The results of their
summer research will be presented in front of their peers at a date to be
decided in a UH MENTOR mini-conference during the Fall semester.
The students in the summer REU will receive financial support.
To reward students that have significant involvement in MENTOR, the
Mathematics Department will award certificates to recognize the students'
participation and training. To receive a MENTOR certificate, a student must
do the following three things:
Attend a majority of the weekly MENTOR Sessions over the course of 2
Attend a majority of the undergraduate colloquia over the course of 2
Complete a project and give a presentation on the project. The project
could involve solving a difficult problem (e.g., a generalization of a
problem we work on in the MENTOR sessions or a problem from the Math
Monthly problem lists). Another possibility is to learn a mathematical
topic and work through examples or applications. The MENTOR project is
meant to be more substantial than the problems we work on in the weekly
MENTOR sessions, but not as involved as an undergraduate research