Math 3338, Probability, 4:00-5:30 PM, Tuesday, Thursday 110 CBB.

According to the UH Final Exam Schedule, the Final Exam for this course will take place on Thursday, May 12, 5-8 PM in CBB 110. Please check now to make sure that you don't have a conflict with this exam. Here is a review sheet for the Final Exam. Here is a review sheet for last year's midterm exam. It has some good problems on joint distributions.

The average for the Midterm Exam is 59.13; the standard deviation is 24.47. The resulting curve, based on normalized scores, is:

90 - 100 A

66 - 71 B- 41 - 46 D+
84 - 89 A- 60 - 65 C+ 35 - 40 D
78 - 83 B+ 53 - 59 C 29 - 34 D-
72 - 77 B 47 - 52 C- 0 - 28 F


Here is the syllabus. The textbook is “Introduction to Probability and Its Applications” by Richard L. Scheaffer and Linda J. Young, Third Edition, published by Brooks/Cole.

Here is a link to the homework assignments.


Your course grade will be based on a weighted average of normalized scores for the final exam, one midterm exam, and homework. The final exam will take place May 12, 5-8 PM in CBB 110. I am working on choosing a date for the midterm. I plan to have the midterm cover chapters 2 through 4 of the textbook, and the final exam will cover the entire course.

Normalized scores. Suppose X is your final exam score, μ is the average score for the final, and &signma; is the sample standard deviation for the final exam scores. Then

ZX = (X - μ)/σ is your normalized score for the final exam.

In the same way, I compute normalized scores for the total of your homework scores, and for your midterm exam score.

Your grade will be determined by a weighted average of normalized scores:

Grade = (1/4)*(zHW+ zMT) + (1/2)*zFinal.

This means that the midterm exam counts (1/4), the Final exam counts (1/2), and the homework total counts (1/4).

The numerical result ‘z’ of this calculation will determine your grade as follows:

z › 1.25 1.0 ‹ z ‹ 1.25 .75 ‹ z ‹ 1.0 .5 ‹ z ‹ .75
A A- B+ B
.25 ‹ z ‹ .5 0 ‹ z ‹ .25 -.25 ‹ z ‹ 0 -.5 ‹ z ‹ -.25
B- C+ C C-
-.75 ‹ z ‹ -.5 -1.0 ‹ z ‹ -.75 -1.25 ‹ z ‹ -1.0 ‹ -1.25
D+ D D- F

If your Final Exam normalized score is higher than your midterm exam normalized score, then I will replace the midterm exam normalized score with the normalized final exam score.