My research interests are in dynamical systems
and ergodic theory, particularly non-uniform
hyperbolicity, thermodynamic formalism, dimension
theory, and multifractal analysis. Here you
can find information on my:
I also maintain a research
blog, where I occasionally post about things
that I find interesting but that for one reason or
another don't fit (yet) into anything else I might
write. PDFs of some posts are linked to at
List of publications
also available via MathSciNet
or BibServer
(not updated as frequently).
My research is
supported by the following grants:
See here for a
list of known corrections to the material below.
Papers. Survey/expository
papers are marked; all others are research papers.
- Gibbs
measures have local product structure
Preprint, submitted.
- Equilibrium
measures for two-sided shift spaces via
dimension theory
- with Jason Day.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, to
- Lyapunov
exponents and nonadapted measures for
dispersing billiards
- with Mark Demers, Yuri Lima, and Hongkun
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405,
24 (2024)
and equilibrium measures via dimension theory
in A
Vision for Dynamics in the 21st Century: The
Legacy of Anatole Katok (2024), pp.
94-138, Cambridge.
- Closed
geodesics on surfaces without conjugate points
- with Gerhard Knieper and Khadim War.
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics,
(2022) No. 06, 2150067.
- SRB measures and
Young towers for surface diffeomorphisms
- with Stefano Luzzatto and Yakov Pesin.
Annales Henri Poincaré, 23
(2022), 973-1059
- Beyond
Bowen's specification property
(Survey) - with Daniel J. Thompson.
in Thermodynamic
Formalism (2021), pp. 3-82,
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 2290,
CIRM Jean-Morlet Chair subseries
- Uniqueness
of the measure of maximal entropy for geodesic
flows on certain manifolds without conjugate
- with Gerhard Knieper and Khadim War.
Advances in Mathematics, 376
(2021), 107452.
- Equilibrium
measures for some partially hyperbolic systems
- with Yakov Pesin and Agnieszka
Journal of Modern Dynamics, 16
(2020), 155-205.
- The published version has a
minor error in the proof of Lemma 6.6.
- Positive
entropy equilibrium states.
- with Van Cyr.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 232
(2019), no. 2, 899-920.
- One-sided almost
specification and intrinsic ergodicity.
- with Ronnie Pavlov.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 39
(2019), 2456-2480.
- Equilibrium states
for Mañé diffeomorphisms.
- with Todd Fisher and Daniel J. Thompson.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 39
(2019), 2433-2455.
- Equilibrium
states in dynamical systems via geometric
measure theory
(Survey) - with Yakov Pesin and Agnieszka
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,
(2019), no. 4, 569-610.
- Specification
and towers in shift spaces.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 364,
issue 2 (2018), 441-504.
- Unique equilibrium
states for geodesic flows in nonpositive
- with Keith Burns, Todd Fisher, and
Daniel J. Thompson.
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 28
(2018), no. 5, 1209-1259.
- Unique equilibrium
states for Bonatti-Viana diffeomorphisms.
- with Todd Fisher and Daniel J. Thompson.
Nonlinearity, 31
(2018), no. 6, 2532-2570.
- An earlier
version also studied the Mañé
examples; these were removed from the
final version and now appear in their own
- Large deviations for
systems with non-uniform structure.
- with Daniel J. Thompson and Kenichiro
Transactions of the American Mathematical
Society, 369
(2017), no. 6, 4167-4192.
- The
geometric approach for constructing
Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measures
(Survey) - with Stefano Luzzatto and Yakov
Journal of Statistical Physics, 166
(2017), 467-493.
- Building
thermodynamics for non-uniformly hyperbolic
(Survey) - with Yakov Pesin.
Arnold Mathematical Journal, 3
(2017), 37-82.
- Unique equilibrium
states for flows and homeomorphisms with
non-uniform structure.
- with Daniel J. Thompson.
Advances in Mathematics, 303
(2016), 745-799.
- Non-stationary
non-uniform hyperbolicity: SRB measures for
non-uniformly hyperbolic attractors.
- with Dmitry Dolgopyat and Yakov
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 346,
issue 2 (2016), 553-602.
- Hadamard-Perron
theorems and effective hyperbolicity.
- with Yakov Pesin.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 36
(2016), 23-63.
- Intrinsic
ergodicity via obstruction entropies.
- with Daniel J. Thompson.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 34
(2014), 1816-1831.
- The
thermodynamic approach to multifractal
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 34
(2014), 1409-1450.
- Topological
of simultaneous level sets.
26 (2013),
- Equilibrium
states beyond specification and the Bowen
- with Daniel J. Thompson.
Journal of the
London Mathematical Society 87
(2013), 401-427.
- Intrinsic
ergodicity beyond specification: β-shifts,
S-gap shifts, and their factors.
- with Daniel J. Thompson.
Israel Journal
of Mathematics, 192
(2012), 785-817.
- Bowen's
equation in the non-uniform setting.
Ergodic Theory
and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011),
- Multifractal
from thermodynamics for general dynamical
Electronic Research Announcements in
Mathematical Sciences 17 (2010),
- A note on two
approaches to the thermodynamic formalism.
Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical Systems 27 (2010),
- Open problems
in the theory of non-uniform hyperbolicity
(Survey) - with Yakov Pesin.
Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical Systems, 27 (2010),
- Measure theory
through dynamical eyes
(Expository) - with Anatole Katok.
Permanent preprint.
talks. (Past and upcoming)
- June 11, 2024, Brigham Young University
Mountain Conference on Dynamical Systems)
"Getting by without product structure"
- February 9, 2024, One World Dynamics
Seminar (online)
"Entropy as a dimension" (slides)
- January 18, 2024, Rice University
"Growth in geometry and dynamics" (notes)
- May 14, 2023, Bedlewo, Poland (Thermodynamic
Formalism: Non-additive Aspects and Related
"Specification for non-compact systems"
- February 3, 2023, AIM (Big
ideas in dynamics, online)
"Specification and measures of maximal
entropy" (Slides
on Prezi) (PDF
- November 4, 2022, Penn State (Workshop
in dynamical systems and related topics)
"Hausdorff measure and the MME for
general shift spaces"
- September 19, 2022, University of Houston
(dynamics seminar)
"Counting closed geodesics"
- August 24, 2022, Rice University
"Counting closed geodesics"
- March 1, 2022, Pennsylvania State
University (dynamics working seminar)
"Local product structure, the Margulis
argument, and large-scale geometry"
- February 28, 2022, Pennsylvania State
University (dynamics seminar)
"Caratheodory dimension constructions and the
product structure of equilibrium measures"
- February 14, 2022, University of Victoria
(online seminar)
"Counting closed geodesics" (Slides)
- November 5, 2021, George Washington
University (departmental
colloquium, online)
"Counting geodesics" (Slides)
- September 20, 2021, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum (Hyperbolic
and Symplectic Dynamics, remote talk)
"Counting closed geodesics on surfaces
without conjugate points" (Slides)
- April 30, 2021, University of Porto (online seminar)
"Counting closed geodesics on surfaces
without conjugate points" (Slides)
- June 23, 2020, University of Utah online
working seminar in ergodic theory
"Specification and the measure of
maximal entropy"
notes) (Notes on my
blog, or in pdf)
- March 9, 2020, Ohio State
"Non-adapted measures for billiards and other
systems with singularities"
- December 10, 2019, CIRM, Marseille (Thermodynamic
Formalism: Dynamical Systems, Statistical
Properties and their Applications)
"Closed geodesics and the measure of maximal
entropy on surfaces without conjugate points"
- September 29, 2019, Penn State (Workshop
in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics)
"Counting closed geodesics on surfaces
without conjugate points"
- July 26, 2019, University of Warwick (Thermodynamic
Formalism: Ergodic Theory and Geometry)
"Bowen-Margulis measure for geodesic flows"
- July 15, 2019, AIM, San Jose (Equilibrium
states for dynamical systems arising from
"Equilibrium states and non-uniform
specification" (Video)
- May 13-17, 2019, CIRM, Marseille (Beyond
Uniform Hyperbolicity)
"Beyond Bowen's specification property"
(3 lectures). (Videos)
- April 13, 2019, University of Maryland
on dynamical systems and related topics)
"The measure of maximal entropy for geodesic
flows without conjugate points".
- July 17, 2018, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
"Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows
in nonpositive curvature".
- June 22, 2018, ICMS, Edinburgh (Thermodynamic
formalism in dynamical systems)
"Leaf measures, dynamical dimensions, and
equilibrium states".
- April 17, 2018, University of
Massachussetts, Amherst.
"Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows
in nonpositive curvature".
- October 6, 2017, Penn State (Workshop
in dynamical systems and related topics)
"Leaf measures via dynamical dimensions".
- August 4, 2017, University of British
Columbia (Current
trends in dynamical systems and the
mathematical legacy of Rufus Bowen)
"Unique equilibrium states for geodesic
flows in nonpositive curvature". (Slides)
- March 28, 2017, Trinity University, San
"Stochastic behavior in deterministic
dynamics". (Slides)
- March 20, 2017, Penn State.
"Young towers for surface
- February 20-24, 2017, CIRM, Marseille (Non-uniformly
hyperbolic dynamical systems: coupling
and renewal theory)
"Young towers for surface
- February 3, 2017, UH Grad Student Seminar.
"Stochastic behavior in deterministic
dynamics". (Slides)
- January 6, 2017, Joint Mathematics
Meetings, Atlanta (AMS
special session on Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems)
"Specification and Markov properties in shift
- December 1, 2016, Australian National
University (Advances
in Ergodic Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics &
Statistical Laws)
"Specification and Markov properties in shift
spaces". (Slides)
- October 29, 2016, Penn State (Workshop
in dynamical systems and related topics)
"A direct proof of the entropy gap for
rank 1 manifolds".
- October 9, 2016, University of Denver (AMS
Western Sectional Meeting: Special session on
zero dimensional dynamics)
"Specification and Markov properties in shift
spaces". (Slides)
- September 7, 2016, Sam Houston State
University colloquium.
"Stochastic behavior in deterministic
dynamics". (Slides)
- July 8, 2016, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
"Equilibrium states for geodesic flow in
non-positive curvature".
on algebraic, geometric and probabilistic
aspect of dynamical systems and control theory)
- April 25-29, 2016, ESI, Vienna.
"Equilibrium states for geodesic flow in
non-positive curvature".
formalism and mixing)
- March 7-11, 2016, ICERM, Brown University.
"Non-uniform specification properties,
thermodynamic formalism, and towers".
geometry, hyperbolic dynamics, and
thermodynamical formalism)
- January 12, 2016, Northwestern University.
"SRB measures and Young towers for surface
- January 11, 2016, University of Chicago.
"SRB measures and Young towers for
surface diffeomorphisms".
- October 23, 2015, Penn State.
in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics)
"Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flow
in non-positive curvature".
- June 10-13, 2015, Porto, Portugal.
International Meeting: Special session on
recurrence, mixing, and fluctuations: statistics
of dynamical systems)
"Specification, statistical properties, and
- June 2, 2015, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
"Effective hyperbolicity and SRB measures".
- May 18, 2015, University of Alabama at
Birmingham. (Conference
in memory of Nikolai Chernov)
"Specification, statistical properties, and
- May 7, 2015, University of Maryland.
"Unique equilibrium states for geodesic
flow in non-positive curvature".
- April 30, 2015. University of
"Thermodynamic formalism and uniform
mixing properties".
- March 14, 2015, Michigan State University.
Central Sectional Meeting: Special session on
smooth dynamical systems and ergodic theory)
"Effective hyperbolicity and SRB measures".
- January 11, 2015, Joint Mathematics
Meetings, San Antonio. (AMS
special session on ergodic theory and
dynamical systems)
"Unique equilibrium states for some robustly
transitive systems". (Slides)
- September 15, 2014, University of Toronto.
"Equilibrium states, non-uniform mixing, and
- August 21, 2014, Ohio State University.
"Tower constructions from specification
- August 11, 2014, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Progress in Dynamical Systems and Related
"Unique equilibrium states for some robustly
transitive systems". (Video)
- July 8, 2014, Madrid.
Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential
Equations and Applications: Special
session on entropy and statistical properties
for smooth dynamics)
"Tower constructions and specification properties".
- June 2, 2014, University of North Texas.
and Dynamics)
"Specification, hyperbolicity, and towers".
- May 30, 2014, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro.
in Dynamics)
"Specification, hyperbolicity, and towers".
- May 14-22, 2014, University of Houston.
Multiple talks as part of UH
Summer School in Dynamical Systems.
- April 12, 2014, University of Maryland.
on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics)
"Tower constructions and specification properties".
- December 2, 2013, CIRM, Marseilles.
and dimension)
"Non-uniform specification, thermodynamic
formalism, and towers". (Slides)
- October 31, 2013, Indiana University,
"SRB measures, unstable manifolds, and
effective hyperbolicity".
- October 28, 2013, University of Houston
(Dynamics seminar).
"SRB measures, unstable manifolds, and
effective hyperbolicity".
- October 8, 2013, Texas Christian University
"Thermodynamic formalism for dynamical
systems". (Slides)
- September 12, 2013, Ohio State University.
"SRB measures, unstable manifolds, and
effective hyperbolicity". (Notes)
- August 8, 2013, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Congress of the Americas: Special Session on
Symbolic Dynamics).
"Large deviations using non-uniform
specification properties". (Slides)
- July 11, 2013, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile, Santiago.
formalism and applications).
"Thermodynamics for discontinuous maps and
potentials". (Slides)
- May 13-21, 2013, University of Houston.
Multiple talks as part of UH
Summer School in Dynamical Systems.
- April 14,
2013, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Western Sectional Meeting: Special Session on
Dynamical Systems: Thermodynamic formalism and
connections with geometry).
"Large deviations and non-uniform
specification properties". (Slides)
- April 10, 2013, University of Houston
(Undergraduate Colloquium).
"The bigness of things". (Slides)
- April 8, 2013, University of Houston
(Dynamics seminar).
"Large deviations in dynamical systems".
- March 20, 2013, EPFL-CIB, Lausanne.
(Workshop on Large
deviations and thermodynamical formalism).
"Non-uniform specification properties and
large deviations". (Slides)
- March 3,
2013, University of Mississippi.
Southeastern Sectional Meeting: Special
Session on Dynamical Systems).
hyperbolicity and applications of new
Hadamard-Perron theorems". (Slides)
- February 25, 2013, University of Houston.
"The structure of the space of invariant
measures". (Notes)
- November 2, 2012, Rice University.
"Sarig's construction of countable Markov
partitions using Pesin theory".
- October 16, 2012, University of Houston (Pi
Mu Epsilon).
"Motivating examples in dynamical systems".
- October 5, 2012, University of Houston
(Graduate student seminar).
"Randomness and determinism in dynamical
systems". (Slides)
Links to my PhD students' websites:
Some conferences and events I had some role in:
Houston Workshop on Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
2020 Houston
Workshop on Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
Mathematics Research Communities at Snowbird, Utah
Houston Summer School on Dynamical Systems
Selected expository blog posts (from seminar lectures
in preparation for our 2013 summer school)
Spectral methods in dynamics
Markov chains and mixing times
- Part 1
(Feb. 11 lecture by Matt Nicol)
- Part 2
(Feb. 18 lecture by Matt Nicol)
- Part 3
(Feb. 25 lecture by Matt Nicol)
Convex cones and the Hilbert metric
Martingale methods